Jumat, 21 September 2012

Narrative Teks

 Narrative text

Narative Text is like mythes and legends, short stories are narative.
Other example of naratives writting are novels, cartoons, strips, and picture books.

Language Features: 
-Use of direct and indirect speech
-Use pronoun
-Use simple past tense
-Use noun phrases
-Use adjective
A narrative text has three elements or parts :

1. The orientation introduces main characters in a setting of place and time. It tells about : the story’s setting , the time when the story happens, and the main characters of the story.
2. The complications tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them. Series of events ( It includes situations, activities, or events that lead to the climax or complication. )
3. The Resolution tells the ending of the story (The complication or problem is solved here. It shows the end of the story, usually a happy ending ).

/nobigdeal /thanks                                                              

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